Check-Up Packages
In Turkey, the most common health risks in women are diseases such as breast, cervical, thyroid, colorectal cancers, coronary heart diseases, blood pressure, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Do not ignore these risks, leave all the risks behind with our VIP Check Up Package for Women. You can see the content details of the package below.
Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Neurology, Oral and Dental Health, Nutrition and Dietetics
Cardiological Examination
Treadmill Stress Test, Echocardiography, ECG
Radiological Examination
ALT, AST, Vitamin D3, Uric Acid, Anti HIV, Anti HCV Total, Anti HBS, B12, BUN, CEA, CA 19-9, CA 125, Fecal Occult Blood, Sedimentation, Ferritin, HDL, HBA1C, HBSAG, Hemogram, Creatinine, GGT, LDL, Glucose, TSH, Total Cholesterol, Complete Urine Test, Triglyceride, VDL Cholesterol
Laboratory Tests
ALT, AST, Vitamin D3, CRP Sensitive, Anti HIV, Anti HCV Total, Anti RLS, AFP, BUN, CEA, CA 19-9, CA 125, Stool Occult Blood, Sedimentation, Ferritin, HDL, HBA1C, HBSAG, Hemogram, Creatinine, GGT, LDL, Glucose, TSH, Total Cholesterol, Complete Urine Test, Triglyceride, VDL Cholesterol, Uric Acid
Hospitality Services
Suite Room – 1 Night Accommodation (For Guests Coming from Abroad)
Food (Breakfast and Lunch)
Having a healthy, long and qualified life is not as difficult as it seems. We identify your health risks with our VIP Check-Up Package for Men with comprehensive examination options, and we enhance the health of you and your loved ones. You can see the content details of the package below.
Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Ophthalmology, Oral and Dental Health, Neurology, Urology, Nutrition and Dietetics
Cardiological Examination
Treadmill Stress Test, Echocardiography, ECG
Radiological Examination
Brain MRI, Whole Abdominal USG (Ultrasound of the Abdominal Region), Two-Way Chest X-ray
Laboratory Tests
ALT, AST, Vitamin D3, CRP, B12, Anti HIV, Anti HCV Total, Anti HBS, BUN, CEA, CA 19-9, Fecal Occult Blood, Sedimentation, Ferritin, Hemogram, HBA1C, HBSAG, Creatinine, GGT, LDL, Glucose, TSH, Total Cholesterol, Complete Urine Test, Triglyceride, VDL Cholesterol, Uric Acid, T3, T4, PSA Free, PSA Total
Hospitality Services
Suite Room – 1 Night Accommodation (For Guests Coming from Abroad)
Food (Breakfast and Lunch)
With the Comprehensive Check-Up Package for Women, your health status is checked against all possible risks. With detailed examinations, your comprehensive health control is performed. With detailed examinations, your comprehensive health control is performed. You can see the content details of the package below.
Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine), Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Ear Nose and Throat, Oral and Dental Health, Cardiology
Cardiological Examination
ECG, Treadmill Exercise Test, Echocardiography
Radiological Examination
Lung X-ray, Mammography, Whole Abdominal Ultrasound (Abdominal Imaging), Two-Way Lung X-ray, Vaginal Smear (Cervical Cancer Screening Test)
Laboratory Tests
ALT, AST, BUN, CEA, CA 19-9, Sedimentation, Fecal Occult Blood, Ferritin, GGT, HBA1C, HBSAG, HDL, LDL, Hemogram, Creatinine, Glucose, COMPLETE URİNALYSİS, Total Cholesterol, Triglyceride, TSH, Uric Acid, VDL Cholesterol
Always remember that it is much easier to prevent the occurrence of diseases than to treat the disease that has already occurred. Take your precautions now with our Comprehensive Check Up Package for Men. You can see the content details of the package below.
Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine), Oral and Dental Health, Ophthalmology, Ear Nose and Throat, Urology, Cardiology
Cardiological Examination
ECG, Treadmill Exercise Test, Echocardiography
Radiological Examination
Whole Abdominal USG (Abdominal Imaging), Bidirectional Chest X-ray
Laboratory Tests
ALT, AST, BUN, CEA, CA 19-9, Ferritin, Sedimentation, Fecal Occult Blood, GGT, Glucose, HBA1C, HBSAG, HDL, Homocysteine, Creatinine, Hemogram, LDL, PSA Free, PSA Total, T3, T4, COMPLETE URİNALYSİS , Total Cholesterol, Triglyceride, TSH, Uric Acid, CEA-125, VDL Cholesterol
We help you stay as the healthiest version of yours with our check-up packages. Invest in your health now with our Starter Check-Up Package for Women with a preventive, full-body health screening option. You can see the content details of the package below.
Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine), Gynecology and Obstetrics, Oral and Dental Health, Respiratory Function Test (PFT)
Cardiological Examination
Radiological Examination
Unidirectional Chest X-ray, Smear Test (Cervical Cancer Screening Test –*Applied when requested)
Laboratory Tests
ALT, AST, BUN, TSH, COMPLETE URİNALYSİS, Hemogram, Sedimentation, Cholesterol Total, Triglyceride, Glucose Hunger,
HDL, LDL, Creatinine, Free T3, Free T4
No matter what your age is or what stage of your life you are, you can invest in your health with our check-up packages today. Make jump start with our Starter Check Up Package for Men. You can see the content details of the package below.
Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine), Urology, Oral and Dental Health, Respiratory Function Test (PFT)
Cardiological Examination
Radiological Examination
Unidirectional Chest X-ray
Laboratory Tests
ALT, AST, BUN, TSH, COMPLETE URİNALYSİS, Hemogram, Sedimentation, Creatinine, Triglyceride, HDL, LDL, Cholesterol Total, Glucose Hunger, PSA Total (After 40), PSA Free (After 40)
Early diagnosis is vital for many diseases, especially for cancer. It should be kept in mind that early diagnosis of such diseases as a result of check-up increases the success of treatment. With our screening programs, you can learn about your disease risks and take your precautions in an advance level. You can see the content details of the package below.
Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine), Gynecology
Cardiological Examination
Radiological Examination
Unidirectional Chest X-ray, Bilateral Mammography, Breast Us, Whole Abdominal US
Laboratory Tests
ACS, ALP, AST, ALT, CA-125, CA 19-9, CA 15-3, AFP, CEA, Fecal Occult Blood, Hemogram, Creatinine, Sedimentation 1 H, Urine Microscopy with Urine Strip, Urea, Smear Test
Thanks to our check-up program, which is prepared and applied specifically for men and based on appropriate age ranges, diseases such as prostate cancer, which is a serious risk factor for men, can be easily understood and treatment can be started in the early period. With the help of our screening programs, you can also learn about your possible diseases and take precautions beforehand. You can see the content details of the package below.
Internal Medicine, Urology
Cardiological Examination
Radiological Examination
Whole Abdomen US, One Way AKC
Laboratory Tests
ACS, ALP, AST, ALT, CA 19-9, AFP, CEA, Fecal Occult Blood, Hemogram, Creatinine, Sedimentation 1 H, Urine Microscopy with Urine Strip, PSA
Are you ready to meet the healthier version of yourselves? Check-up programs are of vital importance in order to ensure that the person pays attention to one’s health and in early diagnosis of diseases to prevent a disease that has not yet caused a complaint with the right screenings. Enjoy a healthy future with our General Check Up Package. You can see the content details of the package below.
Internal Medicine, Ophthalmology, Oral and Dental Health
Cardiological Examination
Radiological Examination
Whole Abdominal Ultrasound, Two-view Chest X-ray
Laboratory Tests
ALT, Free T4, GGT, TSH, UREA, Uric Acid, Sedimentation, Hemogram, Creatinine, Triglyceride, Glucose, Cholesterol, Stool Occult Blood, Complete urinalysis
What do you think about your heart health? A healthy life and regular check-ups are the best gift you can give your heart. With regular checkups, you can ensure that your heart and veins always stay young. Take care of your heart with our Heart Health Check Up Package. You can see the content details of the package below.
Cardiological Examination
EKG, Treadmill Exercise Test, Echocardiography, Pulmonary Function Test (PFT)
Radiological Examination
Two view Chest X-ray
Laboratory Tests
Sedimentation, GGT, Hemogram, Creatinine, Glucose Hunger, Troponin, LDL, HDL, CKMB, Hemoglobin A1C, CRP (Sensitive), Triglyceride
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. Early diagnosis is vital in the treatment of breast cancer, as well as in other diseases. Our Breast Health Check-Up Package, which has been specially designed to assess the current health status of women, consists of important tests that women over the age of 40 should have as a primary precaution against breast cancer. You can see the content details of the package below.
General Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics
Radiological Examination
Breast US (Bilateral), Bilateral Mammography
Laboratory Tests
Whole Blood Test (Hemogram)
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. Early diagnosis is vital in the treatment of breast cancer, as well as in other diseases. Our Breast Health Check-Up Package, which has been specially designed to assess the current health status of women, consists of important tests that women under the age of 40 should have as a primary precaution against breast cancer. You can see the content details of the package below.
General Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics
Radiological Examination
Breast US
Laboratory Tests
Whole Blood Test (Hemogram)
The most common health risks in children are diseases such as heart diseases, possibility of obesity, growth and development problems. Therefore, for the early diagnosis of these diseases, examinations and tests are mainly carried out in childhood check-up programs.
With the help of our Child Health Check Up Package, your child’s health risks can be detected at an early age and serious illnesses can be prevented.
Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, Oral and Dental Health
Cardiological Examination
ECG, Audiometry
Radiological Examination
Whole Abdominal Ultrasound
Laboratory Tests
SGPT, SGOT, COMPLETE URINALYSIS, ANTI-HBSAG, HBSAG, Triglyceride, Glucose (Hunger), HDL, LDL, Hemogram, Fecal Parasite, Urea
Since cigarette smoking adversely affects lung and heart health and paves the way for serious diseases, the use of cigarettes and other tobacco products should be stopped, and people who still use or have quit should have regular health checks in order to prevent these risks. You can see the content details of our Check Up Package for Smokers below.
Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine), Chest Diseases, Cardiology, Oral and Dental Health
Cardiological Examination
ECG, Treadmill Exercise Test, Pulmonary Function Test (PFT)
Radiological Examination
Thorax CT (Chest Tomography)
Laboratory Tests
ESR, COMPLETE URINALYSIS, ALT, Hemogram, CRP, Creatinine, Cholesterol Total, Glucose Fasting, Triglyceride, HDL, LDL
The hormones that regulate heart and digestive function, muscle control, brain development, mood and bone maintenance, as well as the body’s metabolic rate are produced by the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate heart and digestive function, muscle control, brain development, mood and bone maintenance, as well as the body’s metabolic rate For this reason, the deficiency or excess of these hormones, which are effective in the functioning of many organs, can cause very serious disorders and complaints. In order to prevent these diseases and keep your health in balance, you can have regular thyroid screening. You can see the content details of our Thyroid Check Up Package below.
Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine), General Surgery
Radiological Examination
Abdominal US (Lower), Abdominal US (Upper), Thyroid US
Laboratory Tests
Free T3, Free T4, Total T3, Total T4, TSH, Whole Blood Test (Hemogram), C Reactive Protein, Complete Blood Test, urinalysis
Although menopause is not a disease but a natural period in women’s life that marks the end of the reproductive age, risks such as osteoporosis, heart attack and stroke increase in women during this period if the right precautions are not taken. With our Menopause Check Up Package, you can continue this period in a controlled and comfortable way by taking the necessary precautions. You can see the package content details below.
Obstetrics and Gynecology, General Surgery
Radiological Examination
Bilateral Mammography, Breast US (Bilateral)
Laboratory Tests
Smear, Glucose, Alkaline Phosphatase, AST, ALT, Estradiol, FSH, LH, TSH, Cholesterol, HDL, Hemogram, Sedimentation, Urine Strip, Triglyceride, Urine Microscopy
Diabetes is an important health problem that can cause very serious diseases and complaints. With our Diabetes Check Up Package, in addition to diabetes, you can prevent diseases, which diabetes is effective in their emergence and will affect your life quality such as blood pressure, heart attack, eye diseases and kidney failure, and live your life in a healthier way. You can see the package content details below.
Ophthalmology, Cardiology, Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine), Endocrinology, Nutrition and Dietetics, General Surgery
Radiological Examination
ECG, Abdominal US (Lower), Abdominal US (Top)
Laboratory Tests
Glucose tolerance test, AST, ALT, HBA1C, Creatinine, Cholesterol, LDL, Micro albumin, Triglyceride, BUN, Homo Beta, Insulin
Check-Up (Health Screening) to Enhance Your Quality of Life
Explore our high-quality service; reduce your risk of disease with personalized check-up programs of Reyap Hospital. Choose one of the most suitable check-up programs for you or your family.
What is Check-Up (Health Screening)?
Check-up; It is a health screening application for maintaining the health of a healthy individual, identification of disease risks, early diagnosis of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and many other serious health problems.
We emphasize the importance of having regular check-ups in order to take care of one’s own health and to prevent a disease that has not yet caused a complaint, with correct screenings.
Since, check-up involves a dynamic process, our programs are updated based on current scientific developments and are created in line with international standards.
Our personalized check-up programs which are age- and gender-specific
are coordinated, reviewed and reported by our specialist physicians with a multidisciplinary approach.
Why Do You Need Check-Up?
While you are feeling well, you may think that it is not necessary to go to the hospital, see your physician, or get tested. However, there are various disease risks that everyone is faced with. The aim of modern medicine is to ensure that the individual stays healthy by taking the necessary precautions before the disease occurs. After the disease has occurred, both the treatment is much more expensive and the health is impaired once.
Early and true diagnosis is significantly important in terms of both expectancy and quality of life in cardiovascular diseases, cancer, high blood pressure and many other diseases, which are the diseases of our time. Moreover, early diagnosis and regular treatment are also very important for prevention and treatment of the diseases related to the organs such as brain, heart and kidneys, as well as diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes that damage vital organs, which progress insidiously for years without showing any symptoms or causing any complaints in the patient.
We invite you to Reyap Hospital to eliminate risk factors with our personalized check-up packages.
To Whom and How Often Should Check-Up Be Applied?
Factors arising from your habits or family history can determine the health risks which you are face with. In this case, check-up, that is, health screening, plays a primary role in the early diagnosis of diseases. You can learn everything you need to know about your health by spending a few hours getting a check-up. To have a regular check-up, which is a general health check, at least once a year is recommended for all people who have no complaints or diseases, should be done regularly at least once a year. The recommended time of the application may vary depending on familial risk factors (cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc.). It is not recommended to be applied for research purposes in pregnant women and patients with existing health problems.
Especially, we recommend that people who have one of the following stories should have a check-up at least once a year in order to follow up on the changes in their health and risk factors.
- Those who have a family history of a chronic disease such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension
- Those are in the risk group in terms of cancer types such as gynecological cancers, breast cancer, prostate cancer
- Those are in the risk group in terms of other chronic and hereditary diseases
- Those who work at a busy pace and under heavy stress
- Women who want to have a healthier menopause period
We invite you to Reyap Hospital to benefit from our personalized check-up packages.
What Are the Things That Check-Up Content Covers?
Other than our standard check-up packages, there are special package programs for certain age periods (child, menopause, breast health) and screening programs for hereditary diseases (oncology, general, heart health packages). Check-up includes packages that will be specifically prepared for the person, as a result of determining the risk factors according to the age, gender, lifestyle and the family history of the person, as well as the assessment of the relevant physical examinations and laboratory and radiological tests considered necessary.
Our specialists check important health parameters and physical performance functions of our clients. In case of occurrence of any risk factor, early diagnosis and preventive treatments are planned. Most programs take one day to complete.
How Do Check-Up Applications Work and How Long Does They Take?
Every client came to have a check-up are welcomed by our specialist. First off all they are examined by our physicians, then cardiological and radiological examinations are performed. Following these laboratory tests are performed. As a result of all examinations, our clients see our specialist physicians again.
Our check-up consultants will accompany you at all stages. There are no needlessly extended waiting times. Our specialists are always available in their clinics. It will be sufficient to allocate time between 2 and 8 hours for your transactions to be carried out with your companion depending on the content of the package you preferred.
When You Come to Your Check-Up Appointment;
We provide service by our friendly and dynamic staff, and we are able to respond quickly to all kinds of needs of our clients who are applied for the check-up programs, in our check-up department. However, in order to give the most accurate values for your personal needs and analysis results, you should pay attention to the following rules before coming to the check-up programs:
- You should bring your previous test and other examination results with you.
- On the day of your appointment, you should come to our hospital with comfortable clothes and shoes for tests that may require physical activity.
- You must have stopped eating at least 10-12 hours before the appointment day. You should not eat after 21:00 in the evening. You should not drink water after 24.00.
- You should pay attention to details that may affect your check-up results. For example, for women, the menstrual period is not suitable for check-up.
- You should not take any vitamin and mineral supplements the day before you join the program, and if you do, you should definitely tell our specialists about the support you use.
- You should stop drinking alcohol the day before the appointment day.