Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Pediatric Psychiatry) Department of Reyap Hospital, provides service with issues such as the psychological development of children, the factors affecting child psychology, the psychological problems that can be seen in boys and girls, the critical role of parents in child psychology, and ways to cope with negative behaviors in children.
Our department provides services in cooperation with our pediatrics department, especially pediatric neurology, due to the coexistence of medical problems with psychiatric diseases. Various tests are performed in our department for patients who came with complaints such as learning difficulties, lack of attention and class failure. Patients who need are directed to special education.
As Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Pediatric Psychiatry) Department of Reyap Hospital, we provide service with the sense of responsibility for the mental health of our children, who are our future, and we are cared about the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of your child from birth to adolescence.
Our Featured Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Pediatric Psychiatry) Department Fields and Applications
- Autism
- Depression
- Behavioral Disorders (Disobedience, Opposition, Lying, Taking Unauthorized Items, etc.)
- Learning Disorders (Dyslexia, etc.)
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Obsessions)
- Tic Disorder
- School Refusal
- Exam Anxiety
- Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
- Internet and Computer Technologies Excessive Use
- Suicidal Thoughts, Self-Harm (Scratching with a Razor, etc.)
- Anxiety Disorders (Separation Anxiety, Social Phobia, etc.)
- Trauma
- Psychosomatic Complaints such as Headache, Abdominal Pain, Unexplained for Organic Causes
- Personality Problems
- Sleeping Problems
- Toilet Habits (Bottom Wetting, Non-Organic Constipation, etc.)
- Eating Problems (Not Eating, Removing Food, etc.)
- Speech Disorders (Stuttering, Late Speech etc.)
- Friend Incompatibility
- Sexual Development and Problems Related to Sexuality
- Dissociative Disorder
- Mental Retardation
- Psychosis (Schizophrenie etc.) and Bipolar Disorders
Developmental Tests
- ADIT (Ankara Development Inventory Test)
- Denver 2 Developmental Test
- Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
- Bender-Gestalt Visual Motor Perception Test
- Metropolitan School Readiness Tests
- Koppitz Human Drawing Test
- Porteus Labyrinths Test
- SRT (School Readiness Test)
- Kent EGY Test
- Gesell Developmental Figures Test
Attention Tests
- Moxo d-CPT Attention Performance Test
Intelligence Tests
- R.b Cattel Test 2A ve 3A