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In Interventional Radiology Department of Reyap Hospital, innovative treatment for many types of cancer are performed by its specialist oncologists by using imaging devices. In Interventional Radiology Department of Reyap Hospital, surgeries are performed individually, without incisions or stitches by using angiography, computed tomography, ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging methods.

Diagnostic and treatment methods such as biopsy needles, ablation electrodes, intravenous catheters, globules loaded with radiation or chemotherapy drugs are used in our department. In our hospital, the targeted cancer tissue is reached with the help of devices by our specialists, the necessary drug is given directly to the tumor, and the treatment processes of cancer patients are completed.

Interventional radiological procedures performed in our hospital have some important advantages for classical cancer treatments. Instead of general surgery procedures, interventional radiology methods are performed with local anesthesia and slight sedation, not general anesthesia. There are no incisions and stitches in interventional radiology treatments, all treatments are performed through a needle hole. The risk of side effects (complications) is less in the interventional radiological treatments performed and it can be easily performed if the treatment is needed again. The patients do not need to stay in the hospital after the applications, patients can discharge on the same day. In addition, interventional radiology applications cause less damage to adjacent tissues, unlike general radiotherapy treatments. Moreover, some tumors may show resistance to traditional oncology applications. However, the tumor does not show resistance to treatment in most of the interventional radiology treatments.

The most important advantage of interventional radiology treatment methods is that they are reproducible. For example, it is usually not possible to re-administer the treated area with medication or radiation in traditional oncology applications because normal tissues may be damaged after certain dose. However, there is no dose accumulation in interventional radiology procedures. Therefore, interventional radiology treatments can be repeated many times in the same area.

In Interventional Radiology Department of Reyap Hospital, all health services provided in the light of scientific data, in accordance with the latest developments in medicine, in a professional and qualified manner, based on patient satisfaction. Reyap Hospital, which has acted with a service policy that respects patient rights since the day it was founded; solves the medical problems of our patients in an environment that gives them the comfort of home, where they can feel happy and safe.

Our Featured Interventional Radiology Applications

Percutaneous Ablation

Arterial Treatments

Pain Treatments

Cancer Types

Benign Tumors

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