Alice-5 polysomnography device, a medical diagnostic device used in the diagnosis of sleep disorders and recording a wide variety of parameters, records all night long to determine the quality of sleep and find the cause of sleep disturbance. As a result of these recordings, especially brain waves, depth of sleep, rhythm and depth of breathing, frequency and level of snoring, respiratory arrest and duration, oxygen level in the blood, body movements and changing lying position and heart rhythm are measured.

One of the most advanced sleep diagnostic devices in terms of recording capability and capacity,  The Alice-5 polysomnography sleep device, which is used in the sleep laboratory of our hospital, has the necessary mechanical and software hardware to diagnose all kinds of sleep disorders. The device has a sufficient number of EXG (EEG, EMG, EOG) channels to easily create a sleep hypnogram as well as can keep online records of cardio-respiratory parameters (ECG, airflow, heart rate, SatO2, chest and abdominal effort, leg EMG etc.)

We have all kinds of world-class technical equipment and physical infrastructure that can intervene in our patients, in our hospital. All medical devices in our hospital for diagnosis, treatment, patient care and patient safety are the products of internationally recognized brands.

As Reyap Hospital, we provide uninterrupted and complete service with our large and experienced staff, using up-to-date technological tools in line with up-to-date scientific information.

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