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In our Medical Genetics Department, laboratory services are provided for the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of all kinds of hereditary diseases. Our department is structured at international standards, using the most up-to-date technological opportunities. In our department, the patient’s or family’s history is obtained, a physical examination is performed, then a diagnosis is made as a result of the results, and the tests related to this diagnosis are planned and carried out. After the evaluation of the test results, genetic counseling is provided in our hospital.

Among our services, our Medical Genetics Department carries out cancer genetics and genetic counseling studies in pre-pregnancy mothers and fathers. In our hospital, genetic counseling is also provided during pregnancy and studies are carried out on childhood genetic disorders.

Genetic testing offers an opportunity to prevent or diagnose diseased genes earlier. The results obtained help you make informed medical and lifestyle decisions, understand your risk of disease, and provide useful information to other members of your family. With the laboratory services we provide, we aim to contribute to the development of genetic tests and to your life, and we continue our studies with a multidisciplinary research model.

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